Sub navigation

Create HTML Pages

Create plain HTML pages and fill it with information, images etc and place it into the “tmpl” folder. Ensure that links to this page are within top nav or page nav. The Go template is simple:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    {{template "httphead" . }}
    <meta name="Description" content="The five main reasons why I created this site">

    {{template "nav"}}
      {{template "sub_why"}}
      <div class="content">
        <div class="horzbar" onclick="showsub()">
          <h2 class="ellipses">&#x2026;</h2>
        <div class="card">
          <h1>Why This Site?</h1>
          <div class="line"></div>
          <video class="border" autoplay loop muted>
            <source src="/mov/webdev.mp4" type="video/mp4" alt=" result">
            Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
          <p>There are five reasons that I created this simple site:</p>
              <p>The first reason is that there are few tutorials out there that cover all steps from creating a simple website via deploying and finally optimizing it. Especially with no guidance using the Go language.</p>
              <p>The second reason is that I have asked many questions on forums and have gotten plenty of help. My intention is to give back to the community.</p>
              <p>The third reason is selfish. I want feedback so I can do this even better. Criticize at pixel level!</p>
              <p>The fourth reason is that I wanted to create a template for my own future needs.</p>
              <p>The fifth reason is that document my attempts in the spirit of ISO 9000</p>
          <p>There are thousands of options out there. To choose a language or way to do things is almost overwhelming. In this section, I will explain why I selected my tools.</p>
